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One of the ways to evidence your work is to write a personal statement or a Reflective account.  Here is an example below of how to write a personal statement.

Unit I Effective Communication

1.3 Learning Outcome: 1 Understand why communication is important in the work settings.

Explain why it is important to observe an individual reactions when communicating to them.


I am a care assistant in a dementia care home.  On my unit there are 12 residents with varying levels of need according to their conditions.  A new resident Anna has came to the care home.  After arriving at the care home, we settled Anna down by offering her a cup of tea and a light snack.  Anna is very mobile, agitate and confuse.  Anna is unable to make clear sense of what she is saying.  It appeared very difficult to understand what she really needs as she is always changing her mind.  Anna care plan was just drawn up by the home manager.  I went to the lock filing cabinet and read through her care plan.  I the lock the cabinet and leave the file in place.  I understand from her note that she would smile at me when she is happy about something I asked her and when she was not happy, she would talk even more.  I sat with her for a about 2 minute and talk to her.  She does smile when I asked her about whether she would like to go to the garden and have a walk around.  I realise that looking at her facial expression and body language was an essential part of understanding her need.  Looking at facial expression also help me to identify when my residents are uncomfortable as not all resident can express themselves verbally.


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